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We help you derisk your pharmacokinetics (PK) studies by rapidly assessing if your compound can be analyzed using generic PK methods.
Using 1 mg or less of material, we can screen your compound(s) to ensure that our existing discovery methodologies are compatible for your requirements. We will optimize MS and LC parameters for your compound under generic conditions, and extract a calibration curve, quality control samples in triplicate, and double blanks in triplicate, in your matrix or matrices of choice, to identify any indicators of issues such as ion suppression, protein binding and non-specific binding, early in the process.
This cost-effective option provides reassurance that sample analyses will proceed smoothly once your study commences, or highlights the need for further method development, prior to sample analysis issues. Furthermore, screening prevents animals from being prematurely dosed, if compounds require significant method development, contributing to our ethical approach to bioanalysis.
Our expert team have pre-determined target criteria, designed to maximize the potential of your study, but as always, we welcome discussion with you to identify your exact requirements. Results of the PK screening option are collated and provided in a clear and concise report format, provided to you via your data transfer route of choice. This leaves you with the right information at the right time to progress to the next key milestone.
Our client requested to screen a compound, in 2 matrices, with a view to having us perform sample analysis work for both if the desired LLOQ could be reached. They had struggled to analyze the samples accurately due to interference/contamination from analogous compounds with similar daughter ions. A screen was performed, uncovering that there was an endogenous response in one matrix, but the desired LLOQ was reached in the other comfortably. Following the initial screen with one matrix the client expanded their project to include further matrices.