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Despite extensive preclinical testing, most drugs fail in clinical trials, either due to a lack of efficacy or to unacceptable levels of toxicity. This is largely caused by the historical reliance on preclinical models that do not accurately reflect human physiology. This realisation is driving the current transition towards human-relevant in vitro models, such as iPSC-derived cell cultures, for drug discovery and toxicity screening.

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A more in-depth view

We can help you harness the power of human iPSC-derived cell models to accelerate and de-risk your drug discovery journey. If you wish to obtain translational human pre-clinical data from cell types that are difficult to access and culture directly from primary tissue, such as CNS cells, or are looking to reduce your reliance on in vivo models for your safety and efficacy testing, human iPSC-derived cells can be the right solution.

We offer:

  • Bespoke assay development - We can source and culture a variety of human iPSC-derived cell types, and combine them to build representative, human-relevant in vitro systems tailored to your needs.
  • Human disease modelling - We can test your candidate therapeutics in human iPSC-derived cells carrying disease-associated mutations and isogenic controls. ·
  • Cross-species validation - We can conduct parallel testing of your candidate drugs in rodent primary and human iPSC-derived cells, providing a comprehensive data package to de-risk your transition to the clinic.
  • Cutting-edge technologies – We offer a variety of readouts at different throughput levels to address your research question.
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